Friday, September 30, 2016

Mistakes For President

I wasn't expecting the debate to be like two little kids fighting. I hated how Trump was interrupting while it was Clinton's turn to talk. What I disliked was that Trump and Clinton were not focusing on the questions they had answer. They kept saying some false things about each other. At the end Trump said if he didn't win the debate it was because of his mic.

Inciting Incident

My first impression of The Pedestrian was that it was a scary and unique story because who would of that you can get arrested for walking outside to get air. This story had me thinking of how the future will look. I wonder if in the future they will arrest you for not having technology or not having a partner or a fancy place to live.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Respect My Authority

Authority figures support me to be my best self by them telling me if I want to do something to never give up and to pay attention to what I'm doing wrong and right. Authority figure just want what's best for my future and to make me know that I'm responsible for the choices I make.

Monday, September 12, 2016

My Aeries

My Grade on the test was a -C because I didn't put syntax and diction. I'm so glad I didn't get a D or a F.  I agree with the grade I recived because I agree I didn't put as much because I worked on it all late and I forgot to use my notes. What I think o earned for the first grading period is a C or less I'm pretty sure I didn't get something higher than that because i haven't done as much on my blog. I have so many missing assignments for almost every class I have. I try to get my shit together and work on all my missing assignments but when I look at how much I have to do I just get to lazy or I feel like I don't care but deep down I know I'm doing terrible in the beginning of school.

Day 3 of presentations May 19, 2017

Ricky Bailey What the fuck is wrong with the weather Bipolar weather  Weather changes dramatically from day to day Dangerous: earthqua...